Jaume Plensa
“Jerusalem” Series
Es Baluard Museu d’Art | 2006
Espacio Cultural El Tanque | 2009
For this FSA feature, we highlight Jaume Plensa (b. 1955) and his “Jerusalem” Series exhibited in 2006 at the Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani, and 2009 at the Espacio Cultural El Tanque, both in Spain. Plensa’s sculptures “Doors of Jerusalem I, II, & III” are three sitting figures made from polyester resin, emitting a soft, warm glow from within. Embossed on their bodies are passages from Song of Solomon (otherwise known as the Song of Songs), naming the eight gates to walled city of Jerusalem (New, Herod, Damascus, Golden {two doors: Gate of Repentance and Gate of Mercy}, Lions, Jaffa, Zion, and Dung). Song of Songs is a collection of erotic love poems narrating the role of Lover and Beloved, Bride and Bridegroom, between King Solomon and his lover, the Shulammite. This sensuous wedding song is known to be recited during Passover as an allegory of God and the Jewish people, and by Christians as symbolic of Christ and the Church.
Writes Alexandra Jean Davison on these sculptures in her ArtWay article “Passion for the Light”: “In the Song of Songs, a woman tirelessly crosses this wall looking for her love.
Selected Images

Jaume Plensa, “Doors of Jerusalem I, II, & III,” 2006. Resin and mixed media installation, North Carolina Museum of Art.

Jaume Plensa, “Doors of Jerusalem I, II, & III,” 2006. Resin and mixed media installation, North Carolina Museum of Art, three figures.

Jaume Plensa, “Doors of Jerusalem I, II, & III,” 2006. Resin and mixed media installation, North Carolina Museum of Art.

Jaume Plensa, “Jerusalem," 2006. Bronze and mixed media installation, Es Baluard Museu d'Art Modern.

Jaume Plensa, “Jerusalem," 2006. Bronze and mixed media installation, Es Baluard Museu d'Art Modern.