
Cheselyn Amato
Charleston, SC | Fall 2024

Cheselyn Amato (b. 1958) is an interdisciplinary visual artist, spoken text/sound performer, and space/place maker. Amato orchestrates an array of visual props, colored light phenomena, video projection, and/or choreographies of gesture and movement to foster spiritually-imbued circumstances, creating environments for experiencing sublimity, awe, wonder, and delight. Her vision emerges from an ecstatic spiritual awareness of the magnificent oneness of All-That-Is, in service to tikkun olam (”healing the world),” her work seeks to bolster courage and resilience to uncertainty, imbalance, adversity, injustice, and suffering in the world. 

During her residency in Charleston this fall, Cheselyn Amato will work on a new iteration of colored light interventions in various public and sacred spaces as well as engage the larger community through artist talks, performance, and possible installations.

Artist Bio

Cheselyn Amato, originating in New Jersey, lives and works in San Rafael, California. She earned her BA in Studio Art and Comparative Religious Studies at Brown University, an MFA in Drawing, Painting, and New Genres at Tyler School of Art of Temple University, and a Master of Theological Studies at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, specializing in Interfaith Chaplaincy, Art and Spirituality, and Justice and Social Transformation. She spent nearly 20 years teaching at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago before moving to California, where she has taught at Davis and San Rafael for over 15 years.


Cheselyn Amato’s work has been exhibited at The Jewish Museum in New York, the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, and Spertus Institute of Judaica in Chicago, with works in the permanent collections. She participated in the Jerusalem Biennale in Israel (2015 and 2021) and has contributed work to interfaith group exhibitions, including most recently in 2023, “Genesis: The Beginning of Creativity,” integrating work by artists identifying with the Abrahamic religions, organized by the Jewish Art Salon. Amato’s work reflects and chronicles her lifelong spiritual, aesthetic, and humanitarian journey. She serves as a hospice chaplain and visual art doula for personal, social, societal, and global transformation.

Cheselyn Amato’s work has been exhibited at The Jewish Museum in New York, the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, and Spertus Institute of Judaica in Chicago, with works in the permanent collections. She participated in the Jerusalem Biennale in Israel (2015 and 2021) and has contributed work to interfaith group exhibitions, including most recently in 2023, “Genesis: The Beginning of Creativity,” integrating work by artists identifying with the Abrahamic religions, organized by the Jewish Art Salon. Amato’s work reflects and chronicles her lifelong spiritual, aesthetic, and humanitarian journey. She serves as a hospice chaplain and visual art doula for personal, social, societal, and global transformation.

Artist Statement

Cheselyn is a Jewish-identifying interreligious and inter-spiritual artist/thinker/poet/activist, secular humanist, and quantum-visioned individual. She considers her nearly five decades of visual practice a continuous process of sanctified space-making in which all elements are imbued with spiritual resonance. She affirms humans’ desire and effort to be mindful, humble, grateful, and respectful in relationship to self, others, the Earth, the entirety of the cosmos, and wondrous, ever-unfolding Possibility. Cheselyn has been committed in this life and in her vision as an artist to the notion of authenticity of being that is governed by love in service to All-That-Is, to Onement, and to the interconnectivity that is waiting for all of humanity to choose with all of our hearts and all of our souls.

Top banner image: Cheselyn Amato, “Beacons for Interconnectivity and Connection,” 2024.


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