
Nezaket Ekici
Charleston, SC | Spring 2024
After participating in FSA’s Fall 2023 Spirituality and Art Retreat, Turkish-born Berlin-based performance artist Nezaket Ekici returned to Charleston in Spring 2024 for a six week residency with FSA. In addition to visiting houses of worship, faith congregations, and various cultural centers, Ekici offered several opportunities for the larger community of Charleston to experience performance art through workshops, public performances, and studio visits. From her interdepartmental artist talk at the College of Charleston to her performance “Feeling Stained Glass” at Grace Church Cathedral, to her “Perfosophic Duet” collaboration with Dr. Andreas Dammertz, to the premiere of her “Piece | Peace of Heaven” at FSA’s Inspired Garden Party and Open Studios, please read more about each of her engagements listed below.
About the Artist
Berlin and Istanbul-based Nezaket Ekici has presented over 300 groundbreaking performances in prestigious museums, galleries, and biennials in more than 70 countries. Ekici’s studied fine arts and performance art in Germany, earning an M.A. in Art Pedagogy and holds a Fine Arts degree and an MFA with studies in Art History and Sculpture at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University and Fine Arts Academy Munich. Through intensive and task-oriented performances, Ekici delves into the human body as a medium by exploring the deeper meaning behind philosophical and theological dictums. Blending energy and humor with moments of pain and physical endurance, she invites viewers to feel the essence of existence firsthand. For a full artist cv, please visit the artist’s page in the link below.
“Feeling Stained Glass” | Grace Church Cathedral
Select Images

Nezaket Ekici, "Feeling Stained Glass," 2024. Performance. Grace Church Cathedral, Charleston, South Carolina. Produced by Foundation for Spirituality and the Arts.

Nezaket Ekici, “99 Commandments,” 2013. Performance Installation. Round table with white table cloth, 99 white plates, 99 brown beads, white dress, light.